Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Master Plan....

For the last few months now Aaron and I have been trying to figure out 'what to do for the master bedroom.'
Pretty boring.....I thrifted the lamps and painted them and bought the new shades, hung Ikea curtains, and I did the painting above the bed. And that is where inspiration came to a screeching halt, almost a year ago. Till I saw this on Apartment Therapy a few days ago...
forest in the bedroom (original post)
Now my wheels are spinning! And the DIY projects are stacking up. I can't wait to share the tutorials. And there are plenty.
Like this rug....
DIY t-shirt flokati rug

And these old dining room chairs I picked up for $15 with the table. I have plans. BIG plans.

Any guesses as to what that will become (I have 4)?
And a question. How many walls do you think I should stencil the forest on? More master bedroom shots here. Good Day all!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

This is a 1st.......

I have wanted to do this well, for ages now. But I'll be honest I was (ahem, still) intimidated, and to put it nicely, technologically (is that even a word?) challenged. Well, I say no more! I will conquer you BLOG!

I have long need a place to document and share the things that inspire me, and my creative process. Be warned, I am a bit spastic......... to accommodate my many interest, I typically have several projects going at a time. But, hopefully, this blog will keep me accountable......

Over the last few days I have been wondering,'what should I share for my 1st post?' ......I settled on 'what is inspiring me right now. Maybe this will become a regular beginning of the week 'Inspiration post.'
First on the docket......I have baby brain.
rainbow sunshine plushie
Cashmere Bat Baby & Beddy - bye beast 
I have convinced myself that Cohen needs all of these items immediately! So I started the sunshine plushie yesterday. I'll be sure to post photos of the finished product! I just love all those bright colors!

pretty rosettes
For the girls....

My girls Mackenzie and Coeli are both starting school in a few weeks. I still can't believe it. I thought these would make some really sweet back to school headbands.....and maybe one for me :) Ok, so my eyes are about to fall out of my head from staring at the monitor so long. One of these should help.........