Happy August Long Weekend to my Canadian friends! One of the many reasons I love living in Canada. Made up holiday weekends in the summer, so everyone can go to the cottage, soak up as much vitamin D as possible, and drink a little more than they should. Bless you Canada, Bless you.
Oh, and cooking happens. I love the morning of a long weekend. I get up and just start cooking and baking and I love it. Truly I do. Today I made a crust less spinach quiche, blueberry muffins (technically for the new neighbors, but they don't need to know they were going to get six!), and frosty no bake granola cakes! But that's not all...... I made The Pioneer Woman's Asian Noodle salad. If you haven't tried it yet, go, make it tonight. It just might change your life. For real. Best salad- as- a- meal, ever. I also made gazpacho, and last but not least, garlic scape pesto.
That would be the pesto on my quiche. I also added a few dollops to the quiche batter. You say, 'pesto? in quiche? weird.' I say, 'don't knock it. The Pioneer Woman herself recommends it. Therefor it is gold.'
So without further ado, Garlic Scape Pesto.
8-9 garlic scapes (I did 10, cause we all know more is better)
1/3 Cup olive oil
1/3 Cup walnut or pine nuts ( I prefer pine nuts, also really good with pistachios)
1\2 Cup, packed fresh basil
Squeeze of half a lemon
dash cayenne
salt and pepper to taste
Place it all in a food processor or blender. And blend, blend, blend till smooth.
All this cooking glory would not have been possible if it were not for my awesome in laws, who took all three kids for 3 days and 3 nights. At first I thought, I won't even know what to do with myself. That thought didn't last long at all. I helped my neighbor and friend pack and move, I painted some new canvas (not finished yet), slept in. Took the puppy for long walks, and drank a cup of coffee while sitting at Starbucks! Went to the movies, and sat in a friends hot tub till 1am.
Went to a Jays game and drank cider with the husband. And just generally enjoyed ourselves.
I think we used our time pretty well. We called it our 'Stay-cation.' And it was fabulous.
And finally, my Blurb photo books came in, and I am quite pleased with the Instagram photos. I will certainly be making more books with them.
Hope everyone had a lovely weekend, long or not!
Till next time,
we have our first childless weekend this weekend. sounds lovely!